New Freedom Intergroup is registered with World Service as OA Intergroup Number 09089.
New Freedom Intergroup (NFI) is the Northeast Florida and Southeast Georgia area intergroup-level service body of Overeaters Anonymous.
NFI meets from 10:00 a.m. until 11:30 am on the second Saturday of every month. Currently, we are meeting virtually using Zoom: 872 7218 1719, Password: 883350. Please join us for our next intergroup meeting. All OA group members are welcome.
Our physical meeting place (should we vote to resume face to face) is at the Orange Park Presbyterian Church, in the Meeting Hall, 1905 Park Avenue, Orange Park, FL 32073.
Please join us for our next intergroup meeting. All OA group members are welcome.
The purpose of New Freedom Intergroup is to promote unity within the Intergroup, provide a forum for the exchange of ideas, recognize and serve the needs of member Groups, and carry the message of Overeaters Anonymous to the compulsive overeater who still suffers by
Correspondence and donations can be mailed directly to the New Freedom Intergroup:
P.O. Box 31072
Savannah GA 31410
Note: Please make donations with a note saying "Attention to the NFI Treasurer". Group meetings held in the New Freedom Intergroup area of Region 8 may mail any contributions directly to NFI at the above address or donate through our online donation feature.
The Twelve Concepts of OA Service help us apply the Steps and Traditions in our service work, which is an important part of the OA program. The Concepts define and guide the practices of the service structures that conduct the business of OA.
Service is one of the nine tools of OA. Service helps us strengthen our recovery and connects us to our OA fellowship. OA Service
Please note that some of these positions come with abstinence requirements. For more information on these requirements, you may email NFI at or consult the updated NFI bylaws.
Service committees are always seeking OA members to serve, sharing their ideas and energy to fulfill our primary purpose: carrying the message to the compulsive overeater who still suffers.
OA members may perform service in a variety of ways:
OA meeting groups may establish service positions within their meeting. A variety of OA meeting service positions are possible:
NFI Representative
Newcomer Caller
12th-Step Within
Lifeline Rep
Literature Rep
Read more about the tool of service and the nine tools of OA at OA’s World Service Web site.
New Freedom Intergroup of Overeaters Anonymous
P.O. Box 31072
Savannah GA 31410
OA NFI contacts such as board members, NFI delegate, and committee chairs can be contacted directly through NFI emails listed on this page.
Please note, the general email address is checked daily. Any email sent to will be forwarded to the appropriate OA member as soon as possible. Board members and our delegate will check oanfig email as their schedule allows. Response times may vary.
All board members can be contacted through the general NFI email:
Chair: Linsey G. (Echo)
Vice Chair: VACANT - consider doing service
Treasurer: Augusta L.
Secretary: Lucy B
Delegate: VACANT - consider doing service
All committee chairs can be contacted through the general NFI email:
Chair: Echo G.
Vice Chair Vacant - Please consider doing service
Treasurer: Augusta L.
Secretary: Lucy B.
Delegate: Vacant - Please consider doing service
Newsletter/Meeting List: Vacant - Please consider doing service
Public Info/Prof Outreach: Nancy K
Young Persons: Vacant - Please consider doing service.
12th Step Within: Vacant - Please consider doing service
Sponsor Coordinator: Vacant - Please consider doing service
Website: Brian B.
Ways and Means: Vacant - Please consider doing service
All of the above people are your trusted servants for the New Freedom Intergroup of OA and volunteer their time to serve you. Please understand that response times may vary
Overeaters Anonymous members and OA meeting group representatives may find forms for monthly New Freedom Intergroup meetings on this page.
These documents and forms may prove useful for preparing to attend monthly NFI meetings or to share with OA meeting groups.
The Policies and Procedures Manual, and the NFI Bylaws may be found here as well.
Tradition 7:
Every OA group ought to be fully self-supporting, declining outside contributions.
New Freedom Intergroup OA members may contribute directly to NFI either as a representative of an NFI OA meeting group, a treasurer of an NFI OA meeting group, or an individual donor. All funds go directly to New Freedom Intergroup of OA to support its mission. NFI has voted to send OA World Service and Region 8 a fixed percentage of received monthly contributions:
OA World Service – 30%
Region 8 – 10%
Please keep in mind all donations are subject to credit card processing fees. To avoid these fees, please contribute donation either in person at regular NFI business meetings or to the NFI mailing address:
New Freedom Intergroup
PO Box 31072
Savannah, GA 32255
Please include your group number on your check.
If you would like to donate to New Freedom Intergroup, you may do so here.
Please include your group number on the 2nd address line of your address or on the confirmation page where it asks for “Special Instructions for the Seller.”
Overeaters Anonymous members and OA meeting group representatives may find forms for monthly New Freedom Intergroup meetings on this page.
These documents and forms may prove useful for preparing to attend monthly NFI meetings or to share with OA meeting groups. Please scroll down for the latest NFI meeting minutes and monthly meeting agenda.
Copyright © 2024 New Freedom Intergroup of Overeaters Anonymous – All Rights Reserved.